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Postato 17 ottobre 2012 | 0 favorites
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DI VITO farm is located in one of the most beautiful area of the Molise region, on the coastal hills of Campomarino, at an altitude of about 80 metres above sea level, 4 km from the sea. Around 1000 trees (of cultivar Leccino, Gentile di Larino, Peranzana, Coratina, etc.) are grown in the farm, and since 20 years, olives have been milled in the farm's Oil Mill, which is also available to third parties. Throughout the years, the processing facilities have moved from the traditional pressing system, to the two-phase continuous-cycle extraction, which improves the quality of the product and has enabled us to produce a light fruity fragranced oil, perfect for seasoning and cooking.
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